Help us name

The new buildings at Botanical Place require naming, and we want your help.

Using the Council’s guidelines, the project team has brainstormed a list of suggestions that build on the Botanical Place theme. These suggestions are based on the ideas of distilling, botanical ingredients and traditional essential oils.

Many of you have already expressed an interest in this phase of the development and so we would like to know your suggestions. In years to come the buildings that will make up Botanical Place will be a part of West Byfleet’s history, not only for the people that will live at Botanical Place but also for those living nearby, visitors and workers in the area.

We are looking for five memorable names. Each much be suitable for a building address that will include the word ‘House’, as this is one of the Council’s criteria. 

The final decision will be subject to formal validation and ratification process involving the local authorities and the executive directors of Retirement Villages Group.

How to submit your suggestions

To have your say, click here. We’ve also placed a suggestion box in the library on Rosemount Avenue! 

Get creative, we can’t wait to see what you come up with!

You have until 22 February to submit your ideas!

Any questions, email us on [email protected]

Promoting Community Wellbeing: A Conversation with Judy Maycock

Jack Stirling, Development Manager at Botanical Place, discusses the importance of community, wellbeing, and healthy lifestyles with Judy Maycock, Manager of Byfleet Lawn Tennis Club.

At Botanical Place, our vision is to create a vibrant community that is integrated into the neighbourhood. Shared mental and physical wellbeing must be at the heart of this. Our goal is to foster a sense of belonging and fulfilment.

Jack met up with Judy Maycock to talk about the contribution that sports clubs like the Byfleet Lawn Tennis Club make to the community and healthy lifestyles in promoting wellbeing.

Jack: Hello Judy, thank you for joining me today. What’s your secret for creating such a thriving and important centre for wellbeing? We all understand the importance of engagement and healthy living, particularly for older adults, but how can communities facilitate and encourage this?

Judy: Community and wellbeing go hand in hand, at all stages of life sports clubs like ours are uniquely placed to encourage people to be active and choose a positive outlook on life. Byfleet Lawn Tennis Club is not only a place to play tennis, but also a place where friendships can form, and social interaction can flourish alongside the physical activity.

Jack: How do you think Botanical Place can contribute to the wellbeing of residents and the surrounding community?

Judy: Since getting to know Botanical Place better, I would say that Botanical Place takes an approach similar ours as a tennis club. In the same way we offer more than simply tennis, I understand Botanical Place provides more than apartments. Our club offers a hub for social engagement, and I sense Botanical Place has a similar ethos.

Botanical Place presents the opportunity for recreational activities and access to amenities that promote overall wellbeing. Having a central public square, surrounded by shops, cafes, and green spaces, creates a conducive environment for people to come together, connect, and engage in healthy activities.

Jack: We all know staying active its good for our bodies and our minds, and obviously tennis is very good for achieving this. My question is, how do you encourage people to take up a sport like tennis, especially if they are more senior?

Judy: Sports like tennis are excellent for promoting physical fitness, coordination, and mental agility, opportunities for social engagement and camaraderie are equally important for overall wellbeing. And this is where your approach at Botanical Place comes in. Byfleet LTC welcomes members of all ages and skill levels, providing a supportive environment for enjoying the sport and building connections within the community. And, of course, collaboration and partnership with other groups.

Jack: Good segue, Judy. Finding ways to support and collaborate with other local groups and clubs in West Byfleet or the surrounding areas is as much a part of the regeneration project as the construction and landscaping efforts. Although I am relatively new to the Botanical Place team, I have been struck by the commitment and energy of the whole community.

Judy: Absolutely, we are lucky to have so many groups and activities on our doorstep. For example, the Byfleet Art Group, where locals meet for art classes but also to socialise. We also have the West Byfleet Golf Club and the Social Club right in the heart of West Byfleet.

Jack: Thank you, Judy. Before we conclude, do you have any advice for people looking for a healthier lifestyle?

Judy: Find activities that you enjoy and that allow you to connect with others. Whether it’s playing tennis, walks in the park, or joining a community gardening group, staying active and engaged is key to leading a fulfilling and healthy life.





All three cranes installed to site

All three cranes have been installed on site, a significant milestone in the development of Botanical Place and reflective of the excellent progress being made.

We sent professional construction photographer Carlotta Luke to site to capture the third and final crane going up!

Higgins arrive to site

The construction phase of Botanical Place has begun. Before their start on site, our construction partner produced an introductory newsletter. This was delivered to immediate neighbours and can also be found on the Botanical Place Facebook page.

We will of course continue to work closely with the team at Higgins, to maintain regular updates to our Facebook page, newsletter and this website. As always, you can get in touch with any questions via [email protected]

Information Boards

As some of you may have noticed, site information has also recently been               installed on the hoardings, which includes contact details and information to find out more. See the photos attached for a sneak preview but be sure to check them out for yourself!

We would also like to thank all those that stopped to talk to us. We had some     great conversations with both passers by and local businesses and will use the    insights gained going forward.

We continue to encourage those who are interested in Botanical Place, the retail and amenity spaces or residential, to get in touch.

Keep your eyes peeled for some further updates regarding marketing in the          coming weeks!

Site Update

We are pleased to confirm that earlier last month, UKPN cut power to the old substation. The substation has now been decommissioned and will be demolished in the next week or so. Residents and local businesses were unaffected by the activities of UKPN.

Progress update

Over the past couple of months the team at Squibb have progressed quickly with the demolition works, processing concrete using the infamous ‘muncher and crusher’ machines and recycling site spoil into useful aggregate. In the coming weeks the demolition will draw to a close and Squibb will begin to wrap up their presence on site. The removal of a tree stump on Station Approach and the erection of new hoarding are among the final things on their agenda before they bid farewell.

Inspiring the next generation 

Two weeks ago, as part of their ‘Let’s Explore’ topic, reception classes from West Byfleet Infant School visited the Sheer House redevelopment site. Their teacher very kindly shared some of their drawings and told us what the children had to say about their trip to site!

“The digger knocked down the old building. The builders were nice, we waved at them and they waved back!”

“The digger is scooping the old building out. I am excited about the new one!”

“They knocked down the library… but the books weren’t there anymore… they are moving them to a new library.”

The demolition team from Squibb Group enjoyed meeting the enthusiastic children and hearing what they had to say about the site!

Car park closure and alternative parking arrangements

When walking around the site this week, some of you may have spotted several notices alerting to the planned closure of Sheer House car park from the end of this month. 
We understand that this may be disappointing for those who use the car park and we apologise for any inconvenience. Nevertheless, the project team have been working closely with Woking Borough Council and South Western Railway to secure alternative parking at West Byfleet Station at a reduced tariff. 

The new reduced tariffs, which can be found below, will apply from 10:00am on weekdays and all day on weekends:   
• 1 hour – £0.80 
• 2 hours – £1.60 
• 3 hours – £2.40 
• 4 hours – £3.20 

If you have any queries or concerns regarding these changes, please do not hesitate to contact us using the details below.