Naming Botanical Place

Our journey so far...
The name Botanical Place refers to the urban block that was previously occupied by the Sheer House office buildings and multistorey car park. Once completed, Botanical Place will provide a fantastic range of amenities for residents and the wider West Byfleet community, including restaurants and shops, attractive apartments specifically for older people, public and private car parking, and a new library. Botanical Place will be home to a centrepiece public square, thoughtfully landscaped spaces, and trees for everyone to enjoy. Local people are excited to see the area being transformed.
In some ways, the name ‘Botanical Place’ chose us. At the time we acquired the site, local research revealed an important history of agricultural production of essential oils, which were used in soaps and perfumed cosmetics as well as herbal treatments. Indeed, there was a distillery nearby our site. This distilled the botanical oils to produce the essences that were needed by the manufacturers. These days people may be more familiar with ‘botanicals’ in relation to their favourite gin.

The name Botanical Place has already been well-received by the West Byfleet community. From the moment we revealed the large mural that decorates the hoardings, many people have approached us with their childhood memories of the old botanical fields, blooming with roses and lavenders and other blossoms destined for the distillery. Botanical Place seems a fitting name for the site as it helps remind us of one of the reasons why West Byfleet, Pyrford and Byfleet came to exist.

The square and the buildings
Until opening, the public square will be presented as Botanical Place, historically informed and resonant with the verdant appeal and character of old West Byfleet. Our field research demonstrated its acceptance among older and younger communities, with older residents recalling
the commercial rose and lavender fields while younger respondents associated
the name with contemporary themes such as botanical remedies and wellness.
The idea of association the individual addresses of each building with the botanical theme arose as a natural progression.
The more we tested the ideas the more we notices that the idea resonated with people in different ways. Some identified more with the history of distilling oils and essences, others associated the Botanical Place with contemporary links to natural remedies and wellbeing. For some, Botanical Place chimes with their love of green spaces. The next step is to bring the wider public into the process and to involve people in shaping the story of this part of West Byfleet.
Help us name
The new buildings at Botanical Place require naming, and we want your help.
Using the Council’s guidelines, the project team has brainstormed a list of suggestions that build on the Botanical Place theme. These suggestions are based on the ideas of distilling, botanical ingredients and traditional essential oils.

Many of you have already expressed an interest in this phase of the development and so we would like to know your suggestions. In years to come the buildings that will make up Botanical Place will be a part of West Byfleet’s history, not only for the people that will live at Botanical Place but also for those living nearby, visitors and workers in the area.

We are looking for five memorable names. Each much be suitable for a building address that will include the word ‘House’, as this is one of the Council’s criteria.
The final decision will be subject to formal validation and ratification process involving the local authorities and the executive directors of Retirement Villages Group.
How to submit your suggestions
To have your say, scan the QR code or scroll down to the form below. We’ve also placed a suggestion box in the library on Rosemount Avenue!
Get creative, we can’t wait to see what you come up with!
You have until 22 February to submit your ideas!
Any questions, email us on [email protected]